Monday, January 7, 2013

Creativity Day 1,399

Wow, I can't believe it has already been 60 days since I started counting down from 1,460, right after the election.  Today I am so very blessed by Creativity.  Thanks again to Susan O. for posting this picture which inspired me.  
Personally I have been blessed with gifts from God, I haven't taken classes to learn my crafts; just took books or experimented.  The fun part is that I don't really know that isn't supposed to be possible to do.   So I do it.  If I want a stitch to look a certain way, I take risks in my stitches to make it turn or look that way.  Not in the conventional way; so some say 'you can't do that'.  Why not?  It worked, didn't it????
Or the way I do quilts, I definitely break the rules in how they should be done; but it works. I do art quilts in my own way, achieve what I want & it works.  So what if it is different, it does what I would like it to.   One thing is for sure, I have made lots of mistakes; but I have fun. I learn ways that do & don't work.  Thomas Edison did the same thing, it was how inventions came to be created.
Creativity is NOT limited to fiber art, it is in whatever you enjoy doing. We have a sister who used to, maybe still does if she has time, enjoy rewriting computer programs. She enjoyed doing it & was creative at it. It can be in anything at all, just stretch your imagination & follow the steps show
n above.  Any or all of them.
Each person is creative in 'their own way', look at what you enjoy, be creative in a positive way & ENJOY the journey. 
Encourage your children, friends or anyone...this is what makes our world great!!

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