Friday, December 31, 2010

Safe & Happy New Year to ALL !!!!!

Well first of all I would like to apologize for being so quiet. Life has proven to be interesting as I continue to recover from my lyme's encounter. I don't know it I will ever be 100%, but my mind and my crafting are doing grande.

I continue to find that the best medicine is in doing for others and not dwelling on me. Determination and not giving up.

So the best advice I could offer to others for this coming year, is continue to make the effort to make a difference in someone elses life. When we focus on others, our problems don't seem as big.

I keep a note on my computer, I read it somewhere and liked what it had to say.

'Thank God for life's little problems, they take your mind off the big ones.'

One thing I do know, is that no matter how bad off I felt this past year; I didn't have to look far to find someone who had it worse. So I choose to look at the good things and the blessings I do have; and not focus on what is lacking. After all it can get worse, and problems have a way of pointing themselves out. I don't need to help them along.

May your New Year be a blessed one, that brings you many opportunities to make a difference in someone elses life. Good health, happiness, and quality time spent with special people.


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