Thursday, August 19, 2010

Taking care of you

Well this past 2+ months points out the importance of something a lot of us neglect, and that is taking care of ourselves. Whether through just wearing ourselves out taking care of others, or a sickness that comes unexpectedly; we are no help to anyone if we are not well and in good shape ourselves.

I have spent two months battling Lyme's Disease and Bells Palsy. Both have taken away many opportunities to be of service; but if I did not deal with them there would be many more missed.

So with that, I say this....In order to serve others, be it family, friends, a ministry that is on your heart, or just plain 'making a difference' in someone's must take care of YOU too.

Till later ;O)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your health battles.
    I agree totally with your outlook on life. I have several auto-immune problems, and when I feel over whelmed with life ~ I focus on doing something for someone else. It does change our outlook, and for the better! We not only help someone else, but end up helping ourselves, too! Keep looking up!


Thank you for your positive input and sharing how you or someone else has 'Made a Difference' ;o)