Saturday, January 5, 2013

Inner Peace Day 1,401

It is good to feel much better today. I am glad it was something passing. So many have more serious things that are afflicting them. Lots of flu & colds going around.  So many so seriously sick & even ending up in the hospital dehydrated & needing fluids.  Then that dreadful cancer in so many more people & forms.  I can't believe how many of my close friends & family have been affected.  Many other illnesses affecting our bodies.  It is scary to even imagine them all.

We need to really take time to take care of ourselves. Eat right, do what you can & I guess be happy.  I know that probably sounds strange; but being happy is important.  It is proven that stress adds to illness.  We need to each analyze our own situation, try to figure out how to reduce what we can in stress & take the steps.  No, we cannot relieve it all; but we can reduce it some.  
We have only this one body & one life. I guess my goal would be to make the most of what I have been blessed with. God has truly been good to Eddie & me. Some think we don't have much; but we really do, just not in things.  Our home isn't fancy, our vehicles are older & a bit rusty.  We don't have a big bank account or fancy clothes & nothing fancy in electronics; but we have peace of mind & spirit.  We know that God watches over us & has our back.  It doesn't mean we don't go through difficult times; but rather that He walks by our side & holds our hand when we do.  Brings folks to us, to give us support, morally & prayerfully, as needed.
There is a peace that comes with this kind of blessing, it doesn't come with more things, it is something that doesn't need more stuff.  More stuff seems to breed the need for more stuff; but this kind of peace seems to breed that feeling of content.  Not needing a bunch of stuff; being happy with what you have & if God leads you to give it away that is okay.

Make good use of your time, do those little random acts of kindness, enjoy your life 'for real', not just surface enjoyment; but from the heart & soul. Make it count!! ♥

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