I have NO understanding of why a person would do something like this shooting today. I do understand we are given a free will; I also understand that for some reason (that I DO NOT understand) gov't saw fit to tie the hands of parents so many years ago. To the point of having children report them to the schools & social services if they got disciplined in a way they didn't like. They then put the parents under scrutiny & often punished them. I do not understand why the gov't takes the Bible & prayer out of schools; but allows other forms of religious or non-religious activities in. Not saying that students need to be forced to participate; but that they need to have the same freedoms TO WORSHIP as those who choose not to.
They make it such an important thing that children have the freedom to obtain condoms & birth control without their parents permission; this is not something a child should be getting without their parents. Maybe I am old-fashioned; but it just takes away one more door of communication. Kids need to talk to their parents; they need feel they can talk to their parents about anything. The gov't teaches them this is one more way to sneak around behind their backs & they wonder why there are problems.
Maybe I am crazy; but I still think parents need to be the first line of defense in discipline & upbringing. They need to guide their children & be the person they come to when there is an issue, not some stranger. All this gov't interference does not build a stronger family bond, it builds walls. This is just my opinion; but I have seen it coming for a long time & it is getting worse all the time.
I know stronger gun laws will NOT stop the criminals, only those who are doing it legally now will follow them & be more restricted. So that is NOT the answer...
People keep voting for the gov't to have more power, then they complain when things go wrong. Sorry, you get what you vote for..... JMHO ♥
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