Monday, October 15, 2012

You are a HERO~~

I really enjoy watching Doc (Billy Ray Cyrus), as well as Sue Thomas, FBeye. Both great uplifting shows with a lot of encouragement for the average joe. Today, Doc shared a quote that is so fitting for the times we live in...I tried to find who originally said it with no luck. But will share anyway    
Celebrities are people who make the news, Heroes are people who make a difference!

Really makes sense & struck so true as I look around at the folks who cross my path & notice how many are making a difference in the lives they come in contact with. I would like to think that somewhere, sometime I have also made a difference in someone's life.
How about you?????

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This picture is passing around.  It is fascinating reading all the comments.  A lot of them negative & taking it as an affront to men as the 'bad guy'.  When I read it, I saw a beautiful gift being passed down.  I also believe it is something a mother can pass to her daughters.  Not just for the opposite gender; but for themselves & their own genders, too.

It is my own personal belief that respect is something that we can only expect if we earn it; but it can also my opinion that we can choose to give it freely.

My response on FB to those who were commenting on this picture:

Yes, respect is something one can not demand; but by the same token it does not mean that we cannot choose to give respect even though not yet earned. We were taught that we have NO right to get angry at someone who we felt disrespected us, if we had not been a person who first deserved that respect. By the same token, we were also taught to be the kind of person who chose to show respect to those we meet. Not because they earned it; but because we were someone who deserved their respect. I have found this often works beautifully (& yes some folks will never be respected because they are just plain not ever going to be worthy; but I don't know that on first meeting, do I.....) JMHO ;)

In conclusion, it is up to you how you choose to treat people.  You can wait for them to show themselves OR you can show them respect & very possibly make a positive difference in their life. 

Have a GREAT day.