Look for the good~~~in your life!!!!
I believe this idea will not only 'make a difference in the lives of others'; but also in my own life. If I improve my attitude & outlook; then I can be so much better for others too.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My niece, Jodi, shared this idea from pinterest.
"Start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen. Then, on New Year's Eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year. I think it'll be a good way for me to keep stuff in perspective."
We don't have to look for the negative, that pops up easily. So to keep my focus on positive things I am going to begin this now. There is just so much negative in the world, it is always in my face.
I am going to focus on good, look for the good in my life & the lives that surround me, close off the negative thoughts, words, & actions. Why would I want to even repeat anything negative, why would I want those thoughts stirring in my head, good is so much healthier & then the negative thoughts & people don't win.
I am blessed in so many many ways, God is so good to both Eddie & I, so it is time to keep the positive in the lead!!!!!